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Key Personnel

Dr Alexander Hall

Chief Technology Officer

Dr Alexander Hall is an aeronautical engineer with over fifteen years experience in small UAV design, development, production and fielding. He studied engineering at Sydney University, where he completed his doctoral studies investigating the aeromechanics of inherently stable rotary wing micro UAVs.

After completing his PhD, Alexander moved to Norway to work for Prox Dynamics as part of the R&D team developing the Black Hornet nano UAV, the world’s first nano UAV. During the initial R&D process he was in charge of the platform’s aerodynamics analysis and design. He went on to lead Prox’s external engineering, developing the system’s capabilities through customer test and evaluation programs, requirements qualification and operator/instructor training.

After seven years at Prox Dynamics, now owned by FLIR Systems Inc, Alexander returned to Australia to work for Criterion Solutions as the Manager of UAS Operations, developing the company’s drone related business.

Oliver Price

Business Development Manager
0421 106 827

Oliver joined Criterion Solutions in 2018 after approximately nine years in the Australian Regular Army as a Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC), working in both FORCOMD and SOCOMD. Along with Oliver’s primary role as a JTAC, he was responsible for managing his unit’s Black Hornet UAV capability. This included flying the Black Hornet in support of his unit as well as being the unit’s senior trainer and maintenance manager. Oliver continues to serve as a member of the Australian Army Reserve.

At Criterion Solutions, Oliver is responsible for the provision of all Black Hornet operator training, support, repair and logistics activities for the Australian military. Oliver is a qualified Black Hornet Master Trainer and holds a CASA Remote Pilots Licence (RePL).

At Boresight, Oliver is responsible for all business development and sales activities.

Mitchell Bannink

Chief Pilot

As the Chief Pilot for Boresight and holder of an Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) Remote Pilot Licence (RePL), Mitchell is responsible for the oversight and supervision of all Boresight flying activities, ensuring that they are compliant with the relevant regulatory framework. In addition to being a pilot for a major international airline, Mitchell has been a commercial drone operator for over a decade with vast experience within the UAS industry.

James Martin

RF Engineer

James joined Criterion Solutions in 2018 after approximately ten years in the Australian Regular Army as an Electronic Warfare Operator and a Systems Technician.

At Criterion Solutions, James was responsible for the provision of all RF related operator training, support, and logistics activities for the company. Amongst a number of qualifications, James holds a Diploma of Information Technology and is currently studying for a Master of Cyber Security (Digital Forensics).